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The EU Referendum: “Significant Consequences For Disabled People”

With the EU Referendum just around the corner, the disabled community have a big part to play. It’s time to get the facts and start thinking about which way you might cast your vote.

So far, both the ‘Brexit’ and ‘Bremain’ camps have created a lot of confusion with conflicting facts and both sides have been accused of ‘Scaremongering’.

But what does the EU Referendum mean for disabled people? A lot actually. But don’t panic, the Papworth Trust have released a fantastic guide for helping you understand the potential impact that the vote will have on the 12million people living in the UK with a long term illness or disability.

EU Referendum
In or Out?

Vicky McDermott, the Chief Executive of the Papworth Trust, had this to say about the guide:

“It’s Purpose is not to direct you one way or the other, but to inform you and to help you engage with the issues and come to a decision.”

“Although this is a decision that could have significant consequences for disabled people, almost nothing has so far been made available publicly about the potential impact of the vote.”